Writing notebooks were turned in on Friday. Again, I was laughing on my couch reading them. However, this week we had quite a few sad and heartful entries as well. I think having our Celebrate life week during our morning meetings really stirred some hearts and memories. There were many kids that wanted to travel back in time to see their family members that had passed on. It is hard to know what to say to these types of entries except that they love them to this day and that they should carry them proudly in their hearts. I encourage you to have a discussion at home if your child is one that is needing some clarification on this subject.
I will leave you today with an entry to our prompt, besides Earth, what is your favorite object in space? Jewel wrote a beautiful entry, and I would like to share it with you.
My favorite thing in space is the sun rising in the morning. When I wake up the beautiful colors yellow, pink, purple, orange, red and blue. They light up my room. Every morning the sun rising patterns are always different. Sometimes the patterns are lines, and sometimes they are mixed together. I also enjoy seeing the morning turn into day. The sky is almost like an artist painting. It makes me happy because it just touches my soul.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
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