The four pictures above are just some of the events that have been happening in E4 lately. Today, Rusty joined us for a school wide assembly that talked about choices, consequences, and tools. The tools that Rusty talked to the kids about were the importance of rules, when to talk and how to talk, the importance of making a few good friends instead of trying to fit with all, being true to others and more importantly to themselves, and listening. My favorite quote of the presentation was, "A good friend is someone that is helping you grow." What a powerful statement. Can I just encourage you to talk about what that means to your child in their unique world. Wow! I also posted the pictures of Sgt. Hodges. Marley and others are waiting in line to greet him with a handshake, hello, name introduction, and a thank you all while holding appropriate eye contact. We talked about how when you are thanking someone your eyes usually drop because it is a vulnerable feeling and you are unsure of the receivers reaction. The kids did a great job and you could tell that they are really starting to understand how powerful using someone's name and looking them in the eyes can be. The other picture is of Arielle, who is the sister of Sgt. Hodges. She stated that she misses and worries about her brother all the time. It was obvious that the entire family shares Arielle's feeling but also has an amazing amount of pride in their son, boyfriend, and brother! Lastly, there is a picture of our star of the week. Maddie is the first person to actually bring in materials to share for this classroom job. She set a great example of how it should be done. I also loved learning new things about her and seeing all her treasures and photos. Good Job Maddie! Abby will be the star of the week next week. Can't wait to see what is in store with her presentation.
Speaking of presentations...is your son/daughter going to be ready to present their two science projects to the class on Monday. Please make sure they rehearse what they are going to say and that they are using some weather words to do it. Avoid words such as stuff and this and that. Show me that you are applying what you learned in class to what you discovered at home. I will be looking for at least 3-5 science words in each explanation. We will also be oovooing in a science teacher from Senior High that spent some time in Greenland and used some specific weather tools next Tuesday. He has some very cool ideas, thoughts, tools, and data to share.
Parent-Teacher conference slips went home today. Please fill out and return to school Monday for a $100 reward. We will do our very best to honor your requests.
Please remember that the Believe fundraiser is due on Monday. Remember it is a $100 reward for each item sold or every $10 donation made. Money will be rewarded on Monday. Make sure your child's name and my name is on their order form and that ALL money is collected. BELIEVE!!
I hope that you all have a wonderful long weekend. Rest up and play hard. See you Monday!