Thursday, September 3, 2009

Take Home Folders

Hello. Please make sure you ask for your child's take home folder tonight. Inside you should find their three language quizzes, their spelling skill worksheet, and their Obama address permission form. I changed the directions for the Obama sheet. We added another line that says, Yes, my child may watch the address. I would like ALL sheets to come back, yes or no. Students will earn $100.00 if it is returned tomorrow. If your child is in Read 180 or Language programs they will not have the language quizzes or spelling homework.

Saturday Live at Pioneer Park is coming up quickly. Our school does a Candy Shack. Therefore, we ask that each child donate two bags of candy. Candy needs to be individually wrapped and NOT chocolate. Chocolate melts, and the teachers end up having to eat it all! :0) Students in my class will earn $100 for each bag brought in. Examples might be lollypops, dots, skittles, etc. Thanks so much for this. All earned money goes back to the kids eventually.

Have a wonderful evening. Jacob, I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. I missed you in class today! Kaleb, glad to see you back and feeling better today!