One of the fun things we will be doing is having a small auction for kids to spend their hard earned fake money on. Items will consist of items one might find in a stocking. In order to purchase these items for your children we will be having two fun days. One is tomorrow and one will be next week. Students can wear their pajamas, robe, and slippers to school, listen to their i-pod for the day, wear a hat in school, or dress up as their career job in the future. In order to participate in the fun day, students will need to donate $2. (Real money that is ;0)) If students want to do more than one thing they may but they need to pay $2 for each fun item done. So for example, if students want to wear their PJs ad listen to a musical devise it is $4. Students had fun coming up with this idea, and it is neat because the money donated actually goes right back to them in a fun way! Kids have worked hard for their fake money, and I want them to have a chance to spend it on fun things. Students will pay for their Polar Express day and Christmas Pageant movie before the auction to ensure that they do not spend all of their cash on the auction and are not able to participate in these two events.
Speaking of Polar Express Day...students came home tonight with their permission slips. We talked in great length today that only students who deserve to participate will participate. Deserving students are ones that control their Christmas excitement and behavior, have ALL their work done (especially their writing assignments), and are demonstrating 4th grade quality work and effort in ALL areas. 90% of my students do these things all the time. Is your child one of them? Please have a conversation about this before you sign the permission slip.
Have a super night!