Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well our first day of standardized testing is out of the way. ALL students took their time and did their best. Way to go! Thanks Mrs. and Mr. Davis for the yummy testing treats!!! Carmel hamburgers we called them. :0) Tomorrow afternoon we take the Math portion of the test. You know I am loving that!! Wish I was a kid again, just so I could take it! LOVE math! Thanks to all those parents that sent in the hard boiled eggs for snack today. I told them to bring another for tomorrow. I will refrigerate them for them so they are not sitting out all day. It will help if they have their name on their egg bag. Peanutbutter treats are also good for that brain. Gum is also welcome again during the testing block only.

Ask your child about the story, Encounter, that we read today. It was interesting. Ask them what the big white birds were and why they did not consider the guests humans. If they can tell you write the word tail by your signature for an extra ten dollars at tomorrow's check in. Then ask them why I would have you write the word tail. If they can tell you that write the word Columbus as well to earn a jolly rancher treat. Oh yeah!

Volunteer Opportunity sheets went home today. Please read, sign, and return tomorrow.

Picture forms went home today. Please read in full as it has changed. It can all be done online which is AWESOME! Read carefully though. Also looking for parents that can volunteer for picture day. It is quite the chore.

Thanks to the parents that attended the PTA meeting last night. It was great seeing all you Erickson parents out there while presenting. Yes!!! Lots of volunteer opportunities if you are interested. Contact the office and they will put you in touch with the right people. I know they need people for the Harvest Party soon! Go team go!

Play outside tonight and read twenty minutes before bed is the only homework for this evening. Good day in Room 3. Great kids!