Wow we packed a lot into our day today. We started off the day with Rusty and the focus word cooperation. We discussed that cooperating means working as a team and doing our part on that team. Then we read the picture book, The Scarecrow's Dance. It had the character trait/lesson of we are special and unique individuals and that often there are people that are thinking of us when we don't even know it. That lead to a discussion that I think about each of these kids all the time after hours and how much I enjoy being their teacher. Great book! Later in the day, Ms. Damon, a student teacher at Miles Ave. that wanted to come observe my awesome class, told us about her reservation life. The kids were amazed at her stories and knowledge. It was so neat to hear her tell us that her tribe is still a very peaceful, loving, sharing, non competitive culture. Amazing! Finally, we ended our day with a new social studies unit. We will be looking into the five regions of the United States. To start we will look at maps and learn how to read them (latitude and longitude here we come!) Then get ready for state reports. Students will need to do a report on a chosen state. Be thinking....for after Christmas.
One last reminder that Writing notebooks are due tomorrow. All writing needs to be in the writing notebook. I only grade what I see. December calendars went home today. Please mark yours accordingly and then return theirs to their take home folder. By the way, does your child have a take home folder????
Multiplication is coming along slowly. We will be testing out of our current graphing chapter early next week and then we will be hitting some harder multiplication. If your child does not know their basic facts 0-11 they WILL struggle through the next chapter and quite frankly the next few chapters. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE practice these at home. Kids MUST memorize these basic facts! Thanks.
Lastly, we will have a sub tomorrow, but I will be here. I want to guide her through the day. Then she will be here Wed thru Friday. I will have my computer with me. If you have any issues please email me rather than come into the sub. Or you are always welcome to visit with Mr. Senitte as he knows my classroom well.
Have a super night!