Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What a Packed Day!

It all started with our visit from MCC (Montana Conservation Corps). Crew Member Chris talked to us about Michigan and Alisa talked to us about Minnesota. The whole crew shared about themselves and life in MCC by sharing a very entertaining rap. The kids really got into it as well, as you can see. Then we had our second guest speaker: A real live Irish man named Allister, accent and all! He started off his talk by clearing up some misconceptions that Americans have about Ireland and the Irish. It was very, very interesting. If you would like to view the Ireland talk you can go to my ustream channel at Finally, we ended the day with the green contest and our candy auction.
Tomorrow we test our very last two math sessions. Students may bring a morning and afternoon snack. Then we will say goodbye to our MONTCAS testing for the year! I am so proud of the students. Wow!
Have a wonderful evening!
Happy Irish Day!!
Top o' the mornin to ya! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Students may wear green today as long as it is not body paint or hairspray or anything else that might wipe off or smear on our MontCas tests. Hats are great!
Thank you to everyone for bringing back your pictures. Go Team Erickson!
We will be testing today. What better day than when you can have the Luck of the Irish on your side??? Perfect! Protein snacks are encouraged.
We will have two guest speakers in the house today. MCC is coming to talk about two of our ME region states :Minnesota and Michigan. And my dear friend Allistar from Ireland will also be here this afternoon. He is actually from Ireland! SWEEEEET!!!
We will also have a small candy/St. Patrick's day/Easter auction today. Your kids have WAY to much money and the bank is going broke! I will remind them to save at least 3000 dollars for upcoming field trips before they start to spend. Fun!
Student's should have shown you their take home folders last night. Inside there were two important articles. One was on Pennies for the Planet. As you know, we are studying the Everglades in Florida. I happened to stumble upon this article asking for kids to collect pennies/coins in order to help save the Florida Panther. Perfect! I just love when I find opportunities to allow a child to learn what it feels like to give back, and Mother Earth is the perfect one to give back to. So, we have challenged Mrs. Hankin's class to see who can raise the most change over the next two months. Now, we do have a slight advantage because in our classroom we are pumped up and huge BELIEVERS! :0)
The other important article was on the Census. The census came up in Social Studies awhile ago. We have discussed it in class. You should have or will be getting your census in the mail. I received mine the other day. It is so easy to fill out and all that is wanted is the number and names of the people living in your house presently. Then simply mail it back, no stamp needed. If you do this civic duty, please write a note in your child's planner and I will reward them $100. This census is SO important to the educational system and we, in Montana, can't afford to lose anymore of our federal funding. Thanks in advance!
Lastly, the March Volunteer sheets came home yesterday. We will be joining up with MCC again to do a clean up on their adopted road, which is Rheberg and Shiloh. Please have your child at Albertsons on Grand and 32nd at 9 am this Saturday. Pick up time is at 11 am. The weather may change on us again, so dress prepared. We will go, rain or shine or snow! Well, it is Montana! :0) Parents are welcome to stay too!!!
Have a LUCKY day! Hope you are wearing green!
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