The Believe Fundraiser is coming home today! BELIEVE oh my! My favorite word in the entire English language. So, lets get out there and hit all the people we know in order to support our school. This is the biggest PTA fundraiser at our school and ALL profits will go towards buying a third computer lab and you know I am all over that! Please make sure that students sell safe. Avoid door to door sales and feel free to take the packet to work. When my daughter did this last week for Miles Ave. it was helpful to have more than one catalog to pass so ask PTA or the office if you feel this way too. An extra incentive: students will earn $50 fake dollars from me for each item sold. They will get paid when they turn in their packet. On a final thought, think Christmas and think ahead. Sell, sell, sell and thanks!
There is an October calendar of upcoming events is also in your child's take home folder. This needs to stay in the folder. We will be adding events as they come up. Feel free to make a copy for your fridge, but return to their folder soon! Thanks!
On a final note, I just want to say thanks to all the parents that have been communicating with me on a daily, weekly, every now and then basis. I love that we are building this bridge.
Have a great night!