For $100 bonus...ask your students what/who these pictures are of and about the oovoo experience we had yesterday in science class. There are three weather instruments on the last picture. If your student can name and explain all three, then write them on their planner by your signature. Get 2 of the 3...$50. Earn another $50 if your child can remember the teacher's name that is standing in the second picture, which is the same teacher that oovooed in to us yesterday! Write his name by your signature as well.
As you know, or at least I hope you know, next week is Red Ribbon Week. A detailed information sheet came home on this last night. It requires your permission and signature. I also sent home information on the October Volunteer Opportunity. Please return both of these slips tomorrow with your child if you have not done so already. ALSO, conference request slips are due today, tomorrow at the latest. I will be scheduling those tomorrow at our staff meeting. Let's make it a time that works for you!
I have posted a survey question off to the right. Please vote today. This night would be partnered with our friends at Burlington Elementary that we oovoo often with! How fun to have a night for two 4th grade classes to get together to create a slide show of your family using technology! Quality time with the kids!!
Don't forget your drink for the popcorn party tomorrow.
Really awesome blog... i love it..
DevPalmistry: A lines tells the story of Ur Life...