Tomorrow we start to take our Fall NWEA Map tests. We will test in reading tomorrow morning. In order to help students do their very best I need your help. I highly recommend that students try to be in bed with eyes drifting off as close to 8:00 pm as possible. Students should try to eat a healthy breakfast packed with protein such as eggs or peanutbutter. Avoid sugar cereals at all costs. They burn out too fast and our test is not until 10. Sending a hard boiled egg to eat for snack right before testing, already peeled of course, would be the ultimate!!! Lastly, research shows that peppermint gum stimulates right and left brain flow. Any flavor of gum seems to help students so they are free to bring a piece if they choose to. A hug and a do your best will be the topper when leaving the house or car in the morning. I NEVER stress about testing. It is a time for kids to shine not panic. Yay!!
There is a PTA meeting tonight in the library at 6:30. Your attendance will earn your child their first $500.00 bill tomorrow morning. I will be there too! Just right a note in their planner mentioning that you attended and they win! Can't make worries, there is one almost every month! You do not have to "do" stuff. You can just come listen to what is happening in your child's school. Child care is available, so bring the little ones. See you there!
Happy Night!
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