Wow! What a week and what a Friday! Most importantly, I took footage of the leaf projects! They were totally awesome and packed with the creativity I knew this class would offer. I will put it on this weekend so check the blog before Sunday to see what your child did with their leaves. This project was inspired by a book Mrs. Hankins shared with me called, Look What I Did With A Leaf! by Morteza E. Sohi. We also talked about other crafts that we could make with nature and some of the different crafts created by Native Americans in the past and continued on today. Great input by all!
The Coulson Park Volunteer Opportunity is tomorrow! We will meet at Coulson Park at 9 am. Students need to be picked up PROMPTLY at 11:15. To get there from the heights...
Take the 27th Street Exit off I-90, turn left. Road will T in about an 1/8 of a mile. Turn left onto Garden Avenue. Turn left onto Belknap. Turn right onto Charlene (this street says dead end but you can go all the way to the parking lot by the river. MCC trucks and signs will mark the location of where to meet. Don't forget your long pants, warm clothes, good shoes, gloves, and water bottle. If you get lost, I will have my cell phone on. Thanks again for all your help in advance!
Saturday Live is also tomorrow. It starts at 10 and runs till 4. Make sure to stop by the Bitterroot Candy Shack. Thanks to all of you, I think the entire class!, for bringing in the needed candy to make this happen. If you attend this event, please write a note stating so in your child's planner and they will receive a $500 bonus on Monday! We appreciate your support for all Billings Schools!
Picture day is Monday! Get those pretty/handsome outfits ready. Please register online or send money in by Monday. If you register online, it is my understanding there is a slip that prints out that students bring in.
By Monday afternoon, there will be a lot of different projects hanging in our hallway. Please stop in before/after school to spend some time looking at what we have done. Quite amazing.
We are finished with our first novel, The Kid in the Red Jacket. Students have completed their writing project and we had to learn the hard way about how to use a topic sentence. My bad. I thought they knew this skill, but we ended up having to start over and do it together. But, now they know how to make a paragraph more clear to the reader and they were good sports about it. Big Mean Ms. Erickson! :0) On Monday, students will take the final test on this novel. It is a test that can't be studied for. It is in a MONT CAS format and it is more for guiding my instruction in the next novel rather than for a grade. It tests skills rather than details from the story, like fact or opinion and sequencing. Our next novel is called, Owls in the Family. We will start that on Tuesday.
We are also very close to finishing Chapter One in math. That means a notebook check will be happening soon. Students need to have their notebooks organized and complete by next Thursday. The chapter test will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Review will be happening on Monday.
I generally try to send home a grade report each Friday, but today our computers/server went down for most of the day. Therefore, I was unable to print the grade reports. So, we will wait until next Friday, which is also midterms. If you would like to see your child's grades before this time, please send me an email or note and I will surely print one for you at any time.
Well, have a great weekend! See most of you tomorrow!