Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cakes...Money...Cakes...Money! Thanks!
Oh my what a day! We had a great oovoo session with our Burlington buddies, Mrs. Brucker's class, and three classes from Alabama. We are really getting some great first hand information about our SE states. There isn't a textbook that could do what we have been doing! Technology rocks!! It was great to see Mrs. Davis, Preston's mom, drop in the other day and share the North Carolina skype session as well.
Speaking of SE states. Students have their SE states and Capitals test tomorrow. Most of them know the states and capitals, but need to work on the location of the states. Test will be the same matching format as last time. Study, Study!
Tomorrow is a half day. Kids are dismissed at noon. Don't forget to come back from 6-8 though for our school winter carnival. Stop by the cake walk and say hello. And have you seen the baskets in the hallway? Oh my goodness...I want to win them ALL! Very cool stuff. And, it could be all yours when they draw a lucky ticket that you purchase for $1. It only takes one ticket to win! Could be you...or me!!! :0) Our basket is CANDYPALOOZA! Got a sweet are going to love that one!
Don't forget to bring in your donated cakes tomorrow. Students receive $500 for each cake or batch of goodies they bring in. Thanks to those that already brought theirs in! YUMMY!! 4th grade parents ROCK!
Have a wonderful evening!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Awesome Honor Choir Concert today Arielle, Jordan, and Abby! Wow!!! Loved the boat song the best...pretty! See you tomorrow!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Skype with North Carolina.
Yesterday, we had the privilege of using a new "oovoo" type Web 2.0 tool called Skype with our Pen Pals in North Carolina. They are currently studying weather and had fun asking us about our snow and snow activities. We, on the other hand are currently studying the SE states so, we asked them questions about life in North Carolina. Fun and awesome learning for both sides!! Wow!

Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Who is this??
Ask your child who and what this photo is about. If they can tell you, write the word Florida in your child's planner for a $50 bonus tomorrow at check in. Yay!! The SE states and capitals test will be next Friday. It will be the same format as last time so students need to know the state, its capital, and where it is located. We have been doing the fun song daily. OMG!!! They are getting good. So good, that they are ready to perform it for Mr. Senitte tomorrow without the word sheet! Practice, practice, practice!! Have a great evening. Tomorrow is Friday all ready!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Good day! Glad to be back in the swing of things! Midterms came home today. The only grade that is not up to date is the Writing journals as I am still grading some of them. As you know, I try to send home grade reports every Friday. So, this Friday will be totally up to date. Students have half of the quarter left to raise those grades. It is never too late to make a change! Science will have more grades to average in soon. We will be starting a new unit on animals next Monday, so lots of opportunities to bring up that grade. If your child's math grade has gone down, I would be willing to bet that it has to do with basic multiplication facts. We have now moved onto long division and will be entering into geometry and fractions soon. All of these skills will build on the basic facts. So, students have a choice. They can memorize them like I have been begging them to, or they can continue to struggle for the rest of the year. I will not be spending any more time on these basic facts in class. Please make this a home-school connection! Thanks.
Have a great night!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Fun Times!!
Oh my! Today was a fun day! I taught the kids how to jitterbug today. Let me just tell you there are some good dancers in here! Naturals!! I can't wait to see it tomorrow. Some kids were saying they are too embarrassed to dance with a boy or dance in front of others. Boy, do we remember those days from high school or what?? And then, we all look back as say, "man I should have just done that!" So, share those stories tonight and how we are all friends in here. We laugh together not at! It's fun and different and it is ok to take risks!
Our party will be from 12:30-1:30. All the committees have worked hard at planning to make it the best party yet! I applaud them for their cooperation skills and for learning to let things go!
Kids need to remember their Valentine bag or box to collect all their goodies in. They also need to remember their cards to pass out and their committee supplies. I have already told them that there will be NO calling home for forgotten items. It is a RESPONSIBILITY thing!
Lastly, we won the Golden Garbage Award this week! We were the cleanest classroom on our wing! Yay! Be proud!
Cya tomorrow...Calm, cool, and collected!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hello there. We have ventured into the SE region of the United States. Practice maps came home yesterday for the upcoming states and capitals quiz in a couple of weeks. Last time, many kids knew the states and capitals but had trouble getting them in the right place. Hopefully this map will help. I suggested to them that they print/trace a blank map and practice writing the names and capitals in the correct spot.
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. Has your child made their bag or box? They need to bring this to school this Friday, not before. Students also need to bring in their completed valentine for each student and any supplies they agreed to for their committee. All committees met again today to make sure everyone was on the same page. Thanks again Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Davis!!
My sister and nephew will be arriving from California on Friday so I will be out Monday and Tuesday of next week. Class will go on without me as usual. No worries there.
We will be oovooing with our pen-pals in North Carolina and a friend from Florida in the upcoming weeks to discover how life over in the SE differs from Montana! We will also have a visitor from MCC doing a live presentation.
Lastly, in March, we will be filming/producing our first School News live broadcast. We will be using an internet tool called ustream to broadcast live. This is going to be a weekly production and a great experience for all. I will send home the link address and you too can tune in from work or home and watch us live!!! Wow!!
I have added the new book order to the online site if your child would want to order this month. You can also send in the order with a check. Please no cash. Thanks.
Have a great night!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wow! A Real Live NFL Player from the Steelers Team Came to Talk to US!!!
Tuff Harris, from the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL team came to visit us today. He offered words of encouragement to the students about listening to important adults such as parents and teachers. He also shared his story of having a dream at their age and the steps he took to achieve it. Tuff made it clear that reaching a goal is tough and it takes a lot of effort. What he stressed the most however, was the fact that he knew he had to make good choices at their age to help him in his future. Tuff grew up in the Hardin/Lodgegrass area and faced challenges. He then went to Griz country for college where his dreams started to become a reality. This was an amazing opportunity for so many of your kids, as their dreams too are to play a professional sport. Wow!! Very, very cool! As he said at the end, it is never too late to start and it is never too late to change! Just get dreaming!!! Thanks to Mrs. Hankins for setting this up and inviting us to listen to a man that obviously knows what kids are going through. AWESOME!! 

Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Decisions are In...
Well the Valentine Committees met today (Thanks Mrs. Jensen and Davis!) and they have come up with some pretty fun ideas. I am looking forward to the Country Music Dance Off. I will be competing myself!!!! Watch out I cut really cut a rug and jitterbug like nobody's business! :0) There will also be a judging of the most creative Valentine Bag or Box. Kids will need to bring one of these anyway to collect their valentines so why not be creative about it. I know that Payless Shoes above Walmart is pretty good about donating shoe boxes. I have plenty of lunch bags too if someone needs one. Kids may take home construction paper from here if need too as well. Let the best, creative person win. The possibilities are endless! Lastly, I will be collecting the $500 buy in for this celebration tomorrow. Kids that do not have the money can try to earn it by next Friday, but you may want to hold off on purchasing items they are responsible for bringing. If they can't buy in they also loose their spot on their committee. Choices...consequences!
We have PE tomorrow. Remind those kiddos to pack their tennis shoes.
Have a great night!
We have PE tomorrow. Remind those kiddos to pack their tennis shoes.
Have a great night!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya're only a day away!
Slip came home tonight for HIV/AIDS permission. Mr. Ness will be talking to all 4th graders regarding this subject. Please sign and return. All information is grade appropriate. Any Mr. Ness at Thanks.
Slip came home tonight for HIV/AIDS permission. Mr. Ness will be talking to all 4th graders regarding this subject. Please sign and return. All information is grade appropriate. Any Mr. Ness at Thanks.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Good Day!
Extra January History papers came home tonight. Use them, do them together, play school with them...whatever. They are extras that we never got to, but they are pretty interesting to read. If your child needs help looking back for answers in the text, these are great for that!
Valentine Committee Permissions came home tonight. Please discuss the choice your child made today. Sign and return tomorrow. If you were absent today you were placed on the food committee. Each committee will meet with Mrs. Jensen (thanks!) sometime this week to iron out the details and split up the tasks.
Have a great night!
Valentine Committee Permissions came home tonight. Please discuss the choice your child made today. Sign and return tomorrow. If you were absent today you were placed on the food committee. Each committee will meet with Mrs. Jensen (thanks!) sometime this week to iron out the details and split up the tasks.
Have a great night!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Valentines Day Class List
We will be having a class Valentine's Day Party next Friday, the 12th. Students may bring in Valentine cards for their classmates on that day. My only rule is they MUST have a card for every student and their amazing teacher as well! :0) Here is the list of our students:
Ms. Erickson
Students may also bring in cards for other friends in different classes and other teachers they may have. Mr. Senitte and Mrs. Campbell are always nice to include as well. Students will select a committee to serve on tomorrow and bring home a permission slip as well. If you would like to help out with a committee or that day please contact me soon.
Bug Club was today. Congratulations to the students that Brought Up Grades or maintained their grades from quarter one to two. Those that did not now have an incentive to work towards. Always, always BELIEVE and do your very best! I am proud of ALL my students!!
Picture of Bug Club winners will be posted on tomorrow's blog.
Don't forget the Blood Drive is tomorrow in the gym. If you signed up to donate blood come on in. It is not to late to sign up or just show up!!! Thanks!
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