Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't Forget!

Hats for Haiti tomorrow. Wear your favorite hat and bring 25 cents or more!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Is that the Sun out there??

Yes!!! Four more kids have mastered their 6's multiplication basic facts! Only 8 more to go!!! Keep those flashcards a flashing! The ones left are very close, many missing only 12 x 6! Not sure how the 7s went today. No new test tomorrow due to the early dismissal at noon.

States and Capital test is tomorrow. Kids will need to locate each state and match each of the 11 states with the appropriate capital. They will have a word bank to select from. Study, study!

In Reading, we have started a new read aloud book. It is called, There is a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom. It is about a bully that lies A LOT! Just ask your kids how much he lies. There is a TON of character and friendship issues embedded in this book! YES!!! Love it!! We will be taking an in house field trip to the opposite gender's bathroom when that chapter of the book comes up. Man this excites the kiddos! Of course chaperones will be present and bathrooms will be empty at the time. All school appropriate and fun. Crazy times!

May I please encourage you to keep your kids home until it is time to come to school. I have noticed some of my kids coming to school way too early. In extreme temperatures, it is way too cold to have them stand outside for 20-30 minutes. Thanks.

Have a super evening!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Big Smiles All Around!

Wow! What a difference today!

We started the day off with a pretty serious talk at morning meeting. I wanted to clear the air about yesterday, and then we just let it go together. An hour later, we were back laughing and learning together. I appreciate all the calls and emails of support and conversation. We tested our 6's today. It was obvious who took me serious and either passed (100%) or missed one or two. Those that did not pass will study during first recess and then retest tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be testing on our 7's. They just need to learn them. I had 4 students fail their math quiz again today. Not because they didn't know how to do them, but because they didn't know their basic facts. Urg! Please, Please, Please take the 5-10 minutes at the dinner table!

Students have music class tomorrow. Mr. Goodheart mentioned that some of the students in here are forgetting their recorder at home. Each time this happens their participation grade lowers, which effects their overall grade. Midterms might be scary for some! Put it in the bag tonight! Book too!

Blood drive sheets came home tonight. The Bitterroot Blood Drive will be happening next Tuesday from 2-7 in the gym. There is a $500 reward for each adult students sign up. Hey, why not head to Mackenzie River after for some pizza! It is Bitterroot night there too! Don't forget your pink slip to give the waitress. Another $500 dollar reward. Wow!!!

Bitterroot is all about helping out. So, we will be participating in the Hats for Haiti day this Friday. Kids can wear their favorite hat to school for 25 cents. Seems little, but not when you consider we have over 300 students. So, did through the couch and find those lost quarters. Of course you can donate more if you want. The following Friday will be Heros for Haiti day. Students may dress up like their favorite Hero for a quarter. School appropriate costumes of course. Go Team Bitterroot!!!

Lastly, can I ask that you keep Arielle's family in your thoughts and prayers this week, especially on Thursday. No details, but just send them positive thoughts! BELIEVE!!!

Thanks for Being You So I Can Be the Best Me!!

Ms. Erickson

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tomorrow is Always a Better Day!

Hello. Today was not a very good day in this classroom for many reasons. It started off this morning with A LOT of side conversations and giggling during lessons. Then we went to the gym for a multiplication math game and kids were missing a ton of their basic multiplication facts, as skill I have devoted a ton of time and energy into and begged you to do as well at home. Then we did a practice oral States and Capitals test and many, many were missed or not known. The study list has been on the blog for a week now. The test is this Thursday. Finally, the students were given their 10 question test for Social Studies Chapter 4. It was open book, and we discussed as a group that when a test is open book it will REQUIRE them to use their book. I alloted a half hour period for this and I started noticing many students done within ten minutes. So, I began grading. This is when the day became pretty bad. Kids were making up off the wall answers that made NO sense at all to the question. They obviously did NOT use their books. So, I started calling them up one by one after grading their tests to have them prove to me where they had found these answers in their books. Of course they could not. I was VERY, VERY frank with them and sent them back to redo their assignment again USING THEIR BOOKS this time. Some of them tried to turn in guesses again, and they were sent back for a third time. At any rate, these kids saw a different side of me today. They saw the no, no, no side. The one that is a teacher of fourth grade students in their 3rd quarter before they are fifth graders. Today, they tried to go backwards and pull first quarter work. No! My expectations are high, but not unrealistic for where they are right now. I will not allow students to just 'skate" by with the minimum anymore. I asked quite a few of them if they had read the comments I wrote on their report cards. It is time to get serious. Third quarter is by far the hardest work for these kids. The review is over and so is the easing in. It is go time. Students need to get their stuff done, and do it in a 4th grade quality manner. When they slip, it is my job to get them back to where they need to be. Today, I had to be a little bit stern and frank with them. Tomorrow, kids will be tested on their 6 flashcards and will need to re-turn in their social studies test if they were asked to redo it. They may not have help, as it is a test. ALL the answers are in their books. I also told kids to share their Ch. 5 Math test with you. This is their first grade for quarter three. It should be in their take home folder. I hope that this helps clarify that I take my job very seriously, and that I absolutely love your kids as if they were my own. There is not one minute in here that I am not thinking, "What is best for this kid" and each kid in here is completely different and is pushed and challenged in their own way! Please, please sit down at the kitchen table tonight and practice their multiplication facts and their states and capitals with them. These are both life long skills that we all use every day. I appreciate your support, and so do they. Have a nice evening.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shoot for the STARS!!!

Today we were blessed by the talent of some of our very own classmates. These kids did a super job! How fun. Thanks PTA for bringing this activity to our school! Obviously, it was a huge hit by all. I think we have some true potential for future actors and actresses. Shine On!!


Thursday, January 21, 2010


Venture Theater performances tomorrow! Parent one tomorrow night at 6! come early for the best seats!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Missed You All!

Hello. I BELIEVE all went well today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOGAN!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hold onto your's third quarter already!

Well, it is day one, quarter 3. That means I need to make 5th graders out of these 4th graders. I will be cracking down on 4th grade quality work. We have been discussing what this looks like, and now it is time to apply it. Journals will no longer be accepted incomplete or messy. If I can't read it, it is an F. If it does not meet the 1/2 page requirement, it is an F. If students continue to make the same mistakes that I have been taking the time to journal to them about, their grade will lower to at least a C. So, parents please be checking these nightly. They are to be writing them WITH you to build the home/school connection. Students are still not putting capitals and correct punctuation in their writing. Not acceptable in the 4th grade! I am cracking down!

The science show was a huge hit today! Kids were laughing and learning at the same time. Trivia questions this week will reflect what they saw/learned in the show. Thanks Mrs. Jensen for traveling with us!

I will be out tomorrow as I am presenting the morning meeting and character content that I am teaching to your children to a group of people.

Yesterday, our staff participated in a workshop called Rachel's Challenge. It dealt with Rachel Scott, who was shot and killed in the Columbine High School Shooting ten years ago. Can I encourage you to watch the youtube on this (just google rachels challenge youtube). This child was remarkable. It is not so much about her death, but in fact the message she left behind. Wow!! Talk about character. Our staff will be implementing some of the strategies we learned from Rachel, especially when it comes to kindness and the power of writing down your goals.

Book orders are due tomorrow. Remember you can order and pay online at The user name is tammieerikson and the password is believe. We earn a free book for our classroom for every order. SWEET! Read on!

Have a wonderful night!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!!

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, enjoy this poem.

Me and My M&Ms

I have always liked M&Ms.
The most diverse multi-cultural integrated candy in the world.
You have your red ones, your yellow ones, your orange ones, your brown ones
your green ones, and your blue ones.
All in one package.
All co-existing together.
One color doesn't think that it is superior to the other.
One color doesn't discriminate against the other.
All colors are the same size, shape, and weight.
All colors look different on the outside but have the same ingredients on the inside.
M&Ms all have the same flavor and they all taste G-o-o-o-o-o-o-d!
Not all M&Ms are perfect though.
Some have nuts!!!
In the real world we call them racists and bigots.
Wouldn't it be nice if like M&Ms our prejudices melted into
the abyss like chocolate melts in our mouths
and all people were judged by what was inside rather than the color
you see on the outside????
If candy can be prejudice free why can't we???????????

By Marily Kern-Foxworth

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The quarter will be closing out tomorrow. All missing work is due, including journals. After tomorrow, missing work will not be accepted and grading will start over for quarter three.

Please help your kiddos remember their tennis shoes for tomorrow's gym class. They lose points and have to sit out if they do not bring safe shoes. No snow boots!

Don't forget you can oder books online until Jan. 20th. Each book is worth 100 fake dollars. You can also send in book orders with checks.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Time to STUDY! Responsibility!

Man, is it all ready Wednesday?? My goodness, where is the week going?

Last night's tech night was very fun! Thanks to the families that joined in on that. We plan on doing another one before the year ends. I shared all of the slide shows I received with the class today! Keep on SLIDING!!! I can't post them to the blog due to the fact that I will have a million songs blaring at you at one time! Yikes!

Today kids recorded all eleven of the states that make up the NE region of the US along with their capitals in their social studies notebook. They need to start studying these for a test. I am going to link some game sites under my favorites that are for locating all of the states. In time kids will need to know all 50, but for the first test it is just this region. They will not need to spell the states/capitals on the test because they will have a word list, but why not challenge them by learning this skill at home! Study!! I have also listed the states and capitals on the side of this blog for your easy study guide.

Field Trip permission slips came home tonight in the take home folder. Five students have yet to earn the 500 dollar buy in to go. If your child is one of them, I marked it on their sheet. They can still earn until we go next Tuesday, so you need to mark whether they can go or not. Remember, we have no school on Monday. Choices=Consequences! Many students are loosing big money for incomplete homework and not having their planner signed every day! Permission slips are due tomorrow for a 100 dollar reward.

Have a great night and play outside!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Hello. Busy day!!

The following students need to bring back their permission slips in order to bring home their recorders for music. Paige, Robert, Matt, Seth, Philip, Natalie, Preston, Jacob, Lailyn, Hanna, Garret, Jon, Abby, and Dalton. They will have a recorder concert and should be bringing home their recorders and books to practice. Recorders and books are to be brought to school EVERY Monday and Wednesday. They even have homework in these books. Ask, ask, ask!

I will be out tomorrow as you know. I have technology class. I will see some of you tomorrow night at the Lincoln Center at 6:30. Just come through the main doors and follow the signs to the room. Fun!!

Below you will see a video of what we call Multiplication Round Up. Kids go through a series of 12 stations that all deal with multiplication and one division. They stay at each station for 1.5 minutes. The stations are designed to hit all types of learners. You will see physical movement, partner communication, technology, individual study, games with cards and dice, and more. I told you a few days ago that I am doing all I can here to help your kids memorize their basic facts. I wanted to share with you what I meant by that. Please continue to do flashcards or computer games or whatever at home too! The kids are getting better every day, but I CAN"T do it without you. This skill will literally haunt them for the next 4-5-life years. Thanks!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Picture Reminder!

Those of you attending the Tech Night tomorrow, PLEASE bring your pictures to class tomorrow. I will need to scan them into the computer in advance. Thanks!

Cya tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Book Orders Home Today!

I hope that we had a great day today! I BELIEVE you all were perfect little students that made great choices.

Tomorrow, students will bring home a permission slip to go on the field trip to Alberta Bear performance tying into our science studies. Students will need to buy in for $500. I lowered the cost this time as many students spent a lot if not all their money before the break. They will have two weeks to earn money. Plenty of time if they really focus!

One way to earn some extra cash is to order a book from the book order form that came home today. Each book is worth $100. Tomorrow, I will send home the instructions for ordering books online. It is up and ready! Please try to order this way because every time a parent uses this we earn a free book for our classroom library! Of course you can still send in the form and money as well. Please write a check, as cash is not accepted. Orders must be completed or brought in by Jan. 20th. THANKS!

Once again, if I could remind you to send in pictures if you are planning on attending the tech night next Tuesday. I need to scan those into the computer in advance.

Hope you are all busy flashing those basic multiplication facts! By the way, have you read your child's journal lately? Very cool stuff going on in there!

C-ya Tomorrow! I missed you all today!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hi there!

Tomorrow I will be at the Lincoln Center all day for a meeting. Therefore, there will be a sub in the room.

Venture Theater will be here tomorrow to hold tryouts for the upcoming musical. All 4-6th graders are encouraged to participate. The cost has been covered by the Bitterroot PTA so there is no cost to you. They even get real costumes. Everyone that tries out gets a part. This is a fabulous way to get kids involved in a social activity. The only thing Venture asks is that kids need to be able to practice EVERY school day for two weeks from 3:15-4:15. If they have to miss once, that is probably ok. But if you know you have other things during that time two or three times a week, please refrain from trying out. Otherwise, come one come all. Check your child's calendar for exact practice and performance dates. FUN!!!

Now, let's talk seriously for a minute. I am shocked at how many 4th graders still have yet to master their basic 1-12 times tables. I am doing all I can in the classroom but I CAN'T do this alone. I need you to drill and kill these kids with flashcards daily. Don't we all remember sitting at the kitchen table in front of our parents getting flashcarded to death. Remember the correct pile and the wrong pile that you had to do over and over and over again. I am BEGGING you to get this going TONIGHT! Make flashcards, buy flashcards, print off flashcards, whatever! Just get flashcards. It is actually quite painful to watch them count on their fingers 12 times 4. That is 48 fingers. Not to mention all the time lost waiting in class. Please, please, please!

Ok, enough about that. Have a wonderful evening!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Upcoming Events.

First day back, and it was a busy one!

Tonight in the take home folder you will find the new January calendar and the upcoming Tech Night at the Lincoln Center. This event will be for our class and our buddy class from Burlington Elementary only. We will meet at the Lincoln Center downtown and create a slide show with pictures you will need to submit by next Monday. I will then scan them into the computer and place them into your child's server folder for use next Tuesday. Please plan to come. Sorry, this event is really only for your child and yourself. Please plan for childcare for other children and come spend some good quality time with your 4th grader. It will be a blast! Tonight, if you could just decide if you will be coming and mark the sheet accordingly. Return tomorrow with your child for $100 reward.

Have a great evening!

Saturday, January 2, 2010