Monday, September 28, 2009

Marvelous Monday!

Happy Monday! We had a great day. Of course we had cake to help that out, but overall it was good all on its own! Thanks though to Maddie, Marley, and Jordan for donating the yummy carrot and white cakes that you won for the most interesting finds at the volunteer opportunity this past weekend. Very cool! Thanks to all that participated in the volunteer opportunity! Fun times and hope to get a slide show of it on the blog this evening while watching Dancing With the Stars!

Today in spelling we talked about homophones. We had fun trying to figure out what was what. Now that students know what the homophones mean tonight's assignment is to decide if each word is a noun (person, place, thing) or a verb (action) and put them into the correct categories. This will really tell me if they understand which word is which, or is that witch??? :0)

I sent home quite a few lunch account notices today. There are many students that are over-drawn or close to being over-drawn. Please keep your child's account current. You can pay online now. All you need is their student ID number, which you can get by calling the office. I do this for my own daughter, and it is really quite easy. Plus, you can use your debit/credit card.

Picture day was a success. We had them after lunch and no one slopped or spilled. Yay! Thanks to those of you that used the new online service. Very cool! Thanks also to Kaleb, Preston, and Garret's moms for helping out down there. Way to go Erickson team!!

Today we also read about the Black Sox Scandal in our what happened on this day in the past sheet. Students have been challenged to google the research question on the bottom of the paper to find out what teams were playing in a world series when a earthquake hit in San. Francisco during the third game. Students need to write the answer down on the sheet in order to collect their $20 at check in tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will begin our new novel, Owls in the Family. We will be using an online chat tool called Yaplet to share our predictions with a fourth grade class at Burlington Elementary on the West End of Billings. Then we will oovoo, similar to what we did with Rusty, to meet and see them! A field trip is being planned to travel, via the Met Bus, to their school at the end of the novel for an Owl Party/Lunch! Fun with technology I tell ya!

Well, that is about it. Have a great night and play outside! Rusty told us that the harder we play the deeper we sleep, and deep sleep helps us wake up refreshed and energized. And I must say, when we share feelings in here I have a surprising amount of students that state they are feeling tired. Play, play, play!! :0)

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