Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Time to STUDY! Responsibility!

Man, is it all ready Wednesday?? My goodness, where is the week going?

Last night's tech night was very fun! Thanks to the families that joined in on that. We plan on doing another one before the year ends. I shared all of the slide shows I received with the class today! Keep on SLIDING!!! I can't post them to the blog due to the fact that I will have a million songs blaring at you at one time! Yikes!

Today kids recorded all eleven of the states that make up the NE region of the US along with their capitals in their social studies notebook. They need to start studying these for a test. I am going to link some game sites under my favorites that are for locating all of the states. In time kids will need to know all 50, but for the first test it is just this region. They will not need to spell the states/capitals on the test because they will have a word list, but why not challenge them by learning this skill at home! Study!! I have also listed the states and capitals on the side of this blog for your easy study guide.

Field Trip permission slips came home tonight in the take home folder. Five students have yet to earn the 500 dollar buy in to go. If your child is one of them, I marked it on their sheet. They can still earn until we go next Tuesday, so you need to mark whether they can go or not. Remember, we have no school on Monday. Choices=Consequences! Many students are loosing big money for incomplete homework and not having their planner signed every day! Permission slips are due tomorrow for a 100 dollar reward.

Have a great night and play outside!